• Day 009: Monday January 9th

17:55 This morning I woke to a coati trying to claw its way through the wooden criss-crossed panels above the kitchen which was vastly entertaining, it soon saw me and ran away though.  I actually got a chance to tidy my room a bit before cleaning the kitchen properly and making my lunch.  I was interrupted however by some nice US tourists, who kindly turned around and left.  Not long after that a German volunteer showed up with Pilo, another park guard, who went off to Cabuya.  I got so much of my own stuff to sort out, let alone work in the lab, however I have sorted out my first weeks’ worth of photos :-)
Me On the Path To The Lab (D.Philpot)
22:10 So I've gone from sleeping alone yesterday with no human less than 3 or 4 kilometres away, to having this German guy nearby tonight.  Kind of odd having someone else about but it is also nice to have someone to “hold fort” at the ‘El Comedor’ (dining hall where I stay) while I go work in the lab, as well as another person to awe at the surrounding nature with.  Despite the slight language barrier we both love and respect nature, and we would both like to explore Malpais.  Meanwhile I am wondering if the data loggers are still attached and haven’t been swept away somewhere into the pacific.

At 18:15 I shared my room with a crazy bat that continuously flew around in circles for over 15 minutes, maybe he was checking out the new space available in my somewhat more organised room…