18:45 Getting lots of inventory done today, it’s amazing how much time it takes to sort out 20 or 30 odd tubs which have been mixed up rather randomly and messily. I was interrupted however by another Tarantula Hawk Wasp so I did the macho thing and ran away like a girl, and fled the lab during the afternoon. Hopefully I will get a chance to do some more tonight. I spoke to the mum and the rest of the family properly, when I got introduced to some proper green tea which was very nice. Despite me not drinking hot drinks before Costa Rica that is.
00:15 Almost finished the inventory for
the library area and the first initial run through the main lab.
Leave Nature Behind (D.Philpot)
I stalked and got this very nice Video (#46) of a Nine-Banded Armadillo utterly distracted by rustling among the leaf litter for food. Then I saw
the biggest
Cane Toad ever possible…? before putting it on the daughters back as I
knew she
would react well – haha! When most people see these they respond with
"Woah!" especially after seeing these guys bound maybe 50cm a time if
not more.
These Guys Jump A Metre At A Time (D.Philpot) |
Iddy Biddy Spider (D.Philpot) |
Cane Toad Bufo marinus - Ribbet! (D.Philpot) |