• Day 015: Sunday January 15th

07:55 The scientists family are ready to leave, breakfast was then interrupted by a call which was news that a boat of food was on its way.  This was a one off interesting experience where I borrowed the scientist and a family member to go meet the boat, at which point watermelons and sacks of food were thrown from the boat into the sand of the beach as well as the Pacific Ocean.  All food was recovered, and upon returning the scientist had to swiftly depart. The following photo shows the food that was available in the park - forming the majority of my diet until August:
Pantry Food (D.Philpot)

13:08 The plumbers for the park (los fontineros) keep on returning to the park to shut the water off, which is great but water is needed for lovely cold showers and vast amounts of cool cool lemonade.  I have been informed that the phone lines and water system are somewhat dodgy, though it is understandable what with being pretty remote with the tropical conditions around and not enough money in the park service for a more reliable service.  However, I much prefer this somewhat primitive living and would certainly not want the park to become more ‘urbanised.’

Some other photos from wandering around the lodge area today:
Coati Family Foraging (D.Philpot)

Mid-Path Stream Jungle Scene (D.Philpot)

The Seed Pods Noone Should Touch (D.Philpot)

Pichote Tree Spikes (D.Philpot)
21:15 I worked through some of the lab inventory this evening and learnt some Spanish vocabulary.  El pescado para el almuerzo en el fuego (the fish for lunch on the fire) was delicious! A racoon managed to interrupt the dinner and they are so ninja-like I still don’t have a single decent photo of one… so here's a photo of the dinner instead
The Simple Life Is The Best Life (D.Philpot)