• Day 018: Wednesday January 18th

23:05 Well I had a busy day today consisting of lab inventory, followed by a fish lecture followed by preparing for a snorkel and of course a great snorkel itself.  The common names of most the fish have now sunk in and I can put names to faces now, as it were.
Dog Snappers (Dean Philpot)
Dog Snapper Checking Me Out (Dean Philpot)

Taking Shelter (Dean Philpot)

Another Dog Snapper (Dean Philpot)

Female Mexican Hogfish (Dean Philpot)

Showing His True Colours (Dean Philpot)
The highlights were: that I spotted a school of 9 individual ‘Tang’ that could be new to the species list but needs confirmation.  I could not for the life of me place them as any other fish from the species list.

I also got a series of great fish pictures to add to my exponentially growing collection… I might have to book the rest of August out to schedule everyone in to see my photos! I will spare you from fish photos just now by showing this interesting leaf skeleton instead:
Adaptation And Persistence (D.Philpot)
This evening has comprised of at least 7 Capuchin Monkeys greeting us upon returning from the snorkel session, a Racoon that came very near to me, Armadillos around foraging and the mysterious Skunk was about that can always be smelt but never seen.  One day I’m sure I’ll get a sighting.
A bird walk is next on the agenda meaning a fresh 06:15 am start.